- What Google is trying to do with their Android and mobile phone? Are they going to be a new Microsoft with their large market share on phone as Microsoft did with their Windows before? Are they only getting money from search or from something else that they are developing but not offering or exploiting yet?
- Again, if Apple loses its popularity, will the fate of its iPhone be like the fate of Apple I and II?
- Will Microsoft become obsolete in 10 years time? What can they do with a large market share getting from Nokia but whose users possess basic phones?
- What are revenues from Google, Facebook? Taken into account that more than 90% of their revenues are from advertising, how large is the yearly global advertising budget? For small companies, what are their shares in the market? Where does the advertising budget come from? Manufacturing companies like Unilever, entertainment (movies, music) or services. Without companies which produce goods for the society, how much the advertising budget will decrease?
- How about energy? What can people with energy in 10 years? What if plants can be grown in the ocean, if energy from waves can be used much better (how much energy from the sea can we use. Surely, a very little part of it is being used now), and if there is technology to desalt water from the sea to provide clean water for the world?
Somehow, the world has been changing too fast. There are lots of technology developed for the fun and cool of its, not for the necessity. And in some part of the world, people are richer than what they expect, yet in another part, there is still poverty, hunger and no education for children...